Recent trends and challenges in three large Mexican cities: Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey

  • Juan Manuel Ramírez Sáiz ITESO, Universidad Jesuítica de Guadalajara
  • Patricia Safa Barraza CIESAS en Occidente
Keywords: Multi-culturality, Social and Urban Inequality, Urban Fragmentation, Public Insecurity, Conceptions of City


In this paper we analyze a series of factors or aspects in three large contemporary Mexican cities: multi-culturality, inequality, social and urban fragmentation, public insecurity and conflicting conceptions of what the city should be. The article offers an overview of the current situation, on the basis of the authors’ own research projects and a review of recent literature on the topic. It is therefore primarily a theoretical paper


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Author Biographies

Juan Manuel Ramírez Sáiz, ITESO, Universidad Jesuítica de Guadalajara
Doctor en Ciencia Política por la UNAM. Profesor-investigador de ITESO, Universidad Jesuítica de Guadalajara.
Patricia Safa Barraza, CIESAS en Occidente
Doctora en Ciencias Sociales con especialidad en Antropología Social por el CIESAS. Profesora investigadora del CIESAS en Occidente.
How to Cite
Ramírez Sáiz, J. M., & Safa Barraza, P. (1). Recent trends and challenges in three large Mexican cities: Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (30), 77-92.