“There in Africa, in every neighbourhood there is at least one senegalese that goes on a trip”. The Senegalese migration in Buenos Aires

  • Bernarda Zubrzycki Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Silvina Agnelli
Keywords: African Immigrants, Senegal, Migratory Trajectories, Work, Argentina


In this paper we present an anthropological approach to the senegalese migration in the province of Buenos Aires and the Ciudad Autónoma of Buenos Aires, in the general context of the African migration to Argentina, particularly characterizing the migratory trajectories, the working activities and the circuits that are performed by these migrants.


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Author Biographies

Bernarda Zubrzycki, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Doctora en Ciencias Naturales orientación Antropología, docente-investigadora de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Investigadora Asistente de CONICET. 
Silvina Agnelli
Licenciada en Antropología, becaria de postgrado de CONICET.
How to Cite
Zubrzycki, B., & Agnelli, S. (2009). “There in Africa, in every neighbourhood there is at least one senegalese that goes on a trip”. The Senegalese migration in Buenos Aires. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (29), 135-152. https://doi.org/10.34096/cas.i29.2803
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