Género en transición: sentido común, mujeres y guerra

  • Kimberly Theidon Universidad de Harvard
Keywords: Memory, Perú, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Gender, Reparations


In this article, I draw upon research I have conducted since 1995 in Peru to explore the commissioning of truth and some implications in terms of women and war. I am interested in examining what constitutes “gender sensitive” research strategies, as well as the ways in which truth commissions have incorporated these strategies into their work. Truth and memory are indeed gendered, but not in any common-sensical way. Thus I hope to offer a more nuanced understanding of the gendered dimensions of war.


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How to Cite
Theidon, K. (1). Género en transición: sentido común, mujeres y guerra. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (24). https://doi.org/10.34096/cas.i24.4409
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