Tras las huellas de la identidad en los relatos locales sobre el pasado

  • Cynthia Pizarro Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Católica de Córdoba y Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Keywords: Uses of the past, Local stories, Identity, Reflexivity, Ethnography


In this paper I argue that local stories about the past are not mere descriptions of events but they re-signify, reproducing or transforming, elements of common sense. Thus, an analysis that not only regards to their referential issues leads to the comprehension of the various ways in which social agents construct their identity. In this opportunity I refer to the theorical and methodogical framework that I have designed to explain the senses of belonging and forthcoming which local inhabitants of a rural area of the Province of Catamarca, Argentina, articulate in their stories about the past. I also consider the tension that has crossed over the whole research process since I bared in mind the incidence of my own reflexivities not only in the interpretation of the data but also in the construction of the research object.


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Author Biography

Cynthia Pizarro, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Católica de Córdoba y Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Doctora en Antropología UBA. Profesora Titular de la Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Docente de Postgrado de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Católica de Córdoba y Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
How to Cite
Pizarro, C. (1). Tras las huellas de la identidad en los relatos locales sobre el pasado. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (24).
Dossier - Artículos Originales