Fotografías y desaparecidos: ausencias presentes

  • Valeria Durán UBACyT, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani
Keywords: Photography, Memory, Identity, Disappeared, Narratives


In the last few years, new forms of expression that offer growing importance to the visual aspects have been adopted to accompany the formal demands of justice as a way of renovating the attention on these claims. Photography, since its use in signs with the faces of the disappeared in the demonstrations in Plaza de Mayo to the most current photographic essays, has been a recurrent form of standing out the absences. In this paper, we will approach from a semiotics and ethnological perspective, to three of this kind, where the aesthetic articulation of photography points to the (re) construction of memory and identity in the present.


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Author Biography

Valeria Durán, UBACyT, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani
Licenciada en Sociología. Becaria Doctoral UBACyT, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani
How to Cite
Durán, V. (1). Fotografías y desaparecidos: ausencias presentes. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (24).
Dossier - Artículos Originales