Deslumbramientos del mercado

  • Monique Selim Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)
Keywords: Mundialization, Anthropology of the present, Market socialism, Communication with the ancestors, North Vietnam


With an axis in the different aspects that the current process of mundialization of the logic of the market and of capitalist expansion adopts, even in socialist countries, the present paper poses the need of an anthropological reflection capable of articulating the emergence of new domination forms and of symbolic representation. The surface effect of intellectual unification caused by the hegemony of the market over diverse social facts in contemporary societies is discussed. Thus, the renewed appeal of social scenarios reconfigured by specific modes of embodiment and operation of globalizing processes, calls to the anthropological study of articulation moments. The author deploys an interpretation of the market socialism, conjunction –always in tension– of a state political monopoly and a liberalization of the economic market. In this perspective the interest of an anthropology focused on the present is relocated in the characterization of the conformation of a new market of symbolic demands in North Vietnam, where the revival of cultural practices such as the communication with the ancestors expresses the necessity of family reunification and reconciliation with those who were dead during the “long war”.


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Author Biography

Monique Selim, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)
Investigadora del Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), Paris, Francia
How to Cite
Selim, M. (1). Deslumbramientos del mercado. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (23).