De antropóloga externa a antropóloga local. Diferentes modos de implicación

  • Adriana A Stagnaro Facultad de Filosofía y Letras – Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Fieldwork, Researching situation, Biotechnological companies and laboratories, Reflexive implication, Interpretation


This paper presents a reflection on the anthropological practice starting from a fieldwork situation given in the investigation of Argentinean biotechnological companies and laboratories. Three moments are analyzed in the development of the inquiry process, related with different theoretical and methodological perspectives, to discuss them and to contrast them in terms of reaches and limitations. The journey stops to consider the fecundity of the notion of reflexive implication, sustain of the focus that is pondered as that of more interpretive capacity.


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Author Biography

Adriana A Stagnaro, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras – Universidad de Buenos Aires
Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras – Universidad de Buenos Aires. Tesista doctoral del Proyecto UBACyT “Comunidades científicas: antropología del mundo contemporáneo”
How to Cite
Stagnaro, A. A. (1). De antropóloga externa a antropóloga local. Diferentes modos de implicación. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (23).