Acerca de los sentidos políticos del movimiento social en el norte argentino: el caso de la Unión de Trabajadores Desocupados de General Mosconi

  • Ivanna Petz Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Social movements, Protest, Resistance, State, Hegemony


The main theme of this essay is to inquire about the relations between national, provincial, local States and social movements. The exploration of these types of relationships may allow us to, first, analyze what is not perceptible and visualize the tensions and contradictions´ genesis in popular sectors resistance processes; and secondly, it may show keys to facilitate analysis of the possibilities and limits of the speech and practice of collectively resisting subjects. This work is part of a pending investigation concerning one of the more strongly appearing social movements of northern Argentina’s political scenario during the 90´s, and which has its roots in the YPF’s privatization process: the Unión de Trabajadores Desocupados (UTD) from Gral. Mosconi.


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Author Biography

Ivanna Petz, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Licenciada en Ciencias Antropológicas. Becaria UBA, FFyL, Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas, Sección Antropología Social
How to Cite
Petz, I. (1). Acerca de los sentidos políticos del movimiento social en el norte argentino: el caso de la Unión de Trabajadores Desocupados de General Mosconi. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (22).