Procesos informales de ocupación de tierras en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. ¿Villas o asentamientos? El caso del asentamiento Costanera Sur. Los excluidos del sueño

  • Vanina Lekerman Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Planning, Urban Renovation, Habitation Space, Poverty, Political of Urbanization


This work centres on the analysis of the new forms of organization of the space and the political ones of planning of the City of Buenos Aires on the frame of the contemporary processes of urban transformation. Particularly, we will have in one count the informal processes of “occupation” of areas on the part of sectors of the population of low economic resources. This phenomenon began to demonstrate in the City of Buenos Aires more strongly at the end of the decade of ’90 and it has been an object of political state differentiated in relation with those cases of irregular occupations consolidated since they are the so called villas of emergency recognized by the municipal administration, where programs of regularization are executed dominial and of urbanization. Finally, we propose to analyze a recent habitation space of the poverty named “Coastal Villa South “, that is located in a zone of the city that in the last years his environment has received centrality for the projects of urban renovation.


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Author Biography

Vanina Lekerman, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Buenos Aires
Licenciada en Ciencias Antropológicas. Doctoranda de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Buenos Aires.
How to Cite
Lekerman, V. (1). Procesos informales de ocupación de tierras en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. ¿Villas o asentamientos? El caso del asentamiento Costanera Sur. Los excluidos del sueño. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (22).