Familias y educación: prácticas y representaciones en torno a la escolarización de los niños

  • Laura Cerletti Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA
Keywords: Families, Children, Schooling, Educated person, Responsibilities


In this paper we will present some advances of a current investigation about the relationship between families and schools concerning the formative experiences of children. The specific aim is to introduce some reflections that arise from our field work, in order to contribute to the debate about the construction of childhood, focusing on the disputes in relation to schooling and/or the education of children. We will first briefly introduce the research project on which this work is based, and the main characteristics of the field where it is being carried out. Then we will specify some key concepts to approach the topic. Next, we will present practices and representations (of mothers, grand-mothers) ethnographically registered, which give account of certain tensions around the education and the schooling processes of children. Thus, we will introduce the discussion about the process of construction of the “educated person” and the different meanings it takes, along with the disputes concerning the responsibilities and demands we have registered.


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Author Biography

Laura Cerletti, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA
Licenciada en Ciencias Antropológicas. Becaria de Doctorado, UBA. Programa de Antropología y Educación, Sección de Antropología Social, Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA
How to Cite
Cerletti, L. (1). Familias y educación: prácticas y representaciones en torno a la escolarización de los niños. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (22). https://doi.org/10.34096/cas.i22.4434