Lomo de macho. Cuerpo, masculinidad y violencia de un grupo de simpatizantes del fútbol

  • José Antonio Garriga Zucal Conicet, UBA
Keywords: Violence, Male, Identity, Body, Soccer


In this work we will analyze the uses and corporal representations of a gang hooligans, seeking to reconstruct the corporal pattern of these actors. To fight in a stadium against rival gangs, to drink or to consume forbidden drugs and to conceive the obesity in a positive way are practices and representations that configure the hooligans and that form a particular idea of the body. These parameters outline a corporality that has direct links with the masculine identity. This is based on uses and corporal representations; the final test for being identified as a “true man”, as a “male”, according to the group standards, is by means of the body’s testimonial role. Corporality and manliness are means that facilitate the identification of these actors with certain social spaces, being distinguished of those whose uses and practices locate them in the antipodes of the social map.


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Author Biography

José Antonio Garriga Zucal, Conicet, UBA
Licenciado en Ciencias Antropológicas (UBA). Magíster en Antropología Social (IDES-IDAES, UNSAM). Doctorando en Filosofía y Letras. Becario de doctorado de Conicet
How to Cite
Garriga Zucal, J. A. (1). Lomo de macho. Cuerpo, masculinidad y violencia de un grupo de simpatizantes del fútbol. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (22). https://doi.org/10.34096/cas.i22.4436