Las "puestas en valor" de las artesanías en Rosario: pistas sobre su "aparición" patrimonial

  • Laura Cardini Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Keywords: Handcraft production, Cultural patrimony, Value, Craftsmen, Council


We intent a reading over the "setting in value" of handcraft in the context of Rosario City . Meaning that the value is not a property innate to the objects but a judgment named by the persons which implied meanings are given by the human transactions, attributes and significance (Appadurai 1991).Taking into consideration: on the one hand, the producers´ points of view and on the other, the Council speech and action by means of rules and edicts that govern the activity and let us examinate different patrimonial consumptions.We expose an analysis of the handcraft production as an important aspect inside the economic and politic activity (life) of Rosario City , at the same time as a strategic resource in the management and supporting of cultural patrimony.


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Author Biography

Laura Cardini, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Licenciada en Antropología. Escuela de Antropología. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Universidad Nacional de Rosario
How to Cite
Cardini, L. (1). Las "puestas en valor" de las artesanías en Rosario: pistas sobre su "aparición" patrimonial. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (21).