Narrativas del cuerpo. Experiencia cotidiana y género en personas que viven con VIH

  • Mabel Grimberg CONICET. Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: HIV-AIDS, Social construction, Hegemony, Experience, Gender, Body


This paper discusses some results of an ongoing study focused on gender in the everyday life experience of living with HIV. The participants in this study were women and men with at least three years of diagnosis, under ambulatory treatment within the health services system of the city of Buenos Aires . The theoretical stand is a relational gender approach based on two main categories: social construction and hegemony. I use the concepts of illness experience and life trajectories to argue that living with HIV is a construction that confronts social metaphors shaped by gender. This is an ethnographic research that applies combined qualitative techniques: in-depth interviews, participant observation and biographical narratives analysis. The main results display gender differences in the experience of living with HIV and in the perception and confrontation of generized social constructions.


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Author Biography

Mabel Grimberg, CONICET. Universidad de Buenos Aires
Dra de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Profesora de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Investigadora Independiente del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
How to Cite
Grimberg, M. (1). Narrativas del cuerpo. Experiencia cotidiana y género en personas que viven con VIH. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (17).
Dossier - Artículos Originales