Escenarios históricos, práctica profesional y poder: El caso de la odontología

  • Marta Schapira Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Keywords: Odontology, Professionalization, Power relations, Gremialism, Professional profile


This article is about the process of professional consolidation of Odontology in Argentina during the period 1940-1950, with a historical focus based on the sociology of professions. It is meant to contribute to the debate about the future of the conditions of insertion in the work market, the organization of health services and the regulation mechanisms producing new articulations between Social Sciences and health. With an emphasis on power relations, we analyze the positions and demands of odontologic gremialism with respect to the new State proposals on health, the relations with subordinated occupations and the building of a new professional profile including the role of the University


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Author Biography

Marta Schapira, Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Antropóloga. Magister en Salud Pública. Prof. Adjunta de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Consejo de Investigaciones de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario
How to Cite
Schapira, M. (1). Escenarios históricos, práctica profesional y poder: El caso de la odontología. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (17).
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