Redes alimentarias y nutrición infantil. Una reflexión acerca de la construcción de poder de las mujeres a través de las redes sociales y la protección nutricional de niños pequeños

  • Nora L Garrote Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Keywords: Food, Power, Nutrition, Children


This article is about the construction of feeding networks as a way of social articulation that is done by women in order to support tactics of nutritional protection for little children. From the analysis of the feeding process it is important to point out to the obtention of food as a gift by members of the family or other relations. The new power of women as builders of reciprocity relations for obtaining food due to the devaluation of productive jobs changes their position in familial power distribution and expresses itself in the control of feeding patterns and children’s participation in daily foods. I am speaking about a power restricted to a particular space in order to organize better nutritional possibilities for little childern, because these mechanisms of feeding interchanges reproduce and deepen major social differences in society.


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Author Biography

Nora L Garrote, Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Antopóloga. Magister en Salud Pública. UNR. Secretaria de Ciencia y Técnica, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Rosario, Universidad Nacional de Rosario
How to Cite
Garrote, N. L. (1). Redes alimentarias y nutrición infantil. Una reflexión acerca de la construcción de poder de las mujeres a través de las redes sociales y la protección nutricional de niños pequeños. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (17).
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