Los pobladores del “Desierto” genocidio, etnocidio y etnogénesis en la Argentina

  • Miguel Alberto Bartolomé Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia de México
Keywords: Genocide, Ethnocide, Process of ethnogenesis, Ethnopolitical movements, Aboriginal people


In this article I analyze the process of genocide and ethnocide produced against aboriginal people from Argentina in different historical moments (colonial and republican periods) as well as the institutional ethnocide carried on by the nation/state. I also describe the proces of ethnogenesis ocurred among indigenous peoples considered disappeared, which organized ethnopolitical movementes like responses in their struggle against compulsory policies.


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Author Biography

Miguel Alberto Bartolomé, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia de México
Antropólogo, Profesor-Investigador del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia de México
How to Cite
Bartolomé, M. A. (1). Los pobladores del “Desierto” genocidio, etnocidio y etnogénesis en la Argentina. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (17). https://doi.org/10.34096/cas.i17.4604
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