De “Misas”, “Demandas” y “Asistencia”: Procesos de apropiacion local en la historia de un Centro de Apoyo Escolar

  • Laura Santillán UBA
Keywords: Assistance, Catholic Church, Inequality, Collective organization, Appropriation


In this article I focus on the history of a school support center which meets different social actors: the catholic church, the state and civil society. The objective is to approach from this case study topics relative to the local processing of social politics, inequality construction and subjects constitution in the actual redefinitions of the public and private relations. I specially refer to the foundational step of this center, recovering the memory and perspective of their participants. I recognize the different levels of that intervention and the frame of social relations built around the activities primarily promoted by the catholic church. The purpose is to analyze the set of actions of collective organization which take place in the creation of the school support center. We specially highlight the sense appropriation by the families in the same experience of their involvement in these tasks and taking into account the inequality scenario in which they are established.


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Author Biography

Laura Santillán, UBA
Antropóloga. Docente e investigadora del Departamento de Ciencias Antropológicas de la Facultad de Filosofia y Letras. Integrante del Programa de Antropología y Educación
How to Cite
Santillán, L. (1). De “Misas”, “Demandas” y “Asistencia”: Procesos de apropiacion local en la historia de un Centro de Apoyo Escolar. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (17).
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