La cuestión étnica: Aproximación a los conceptos de grupo étnico, identidad étnica, etnicidad y relaciones interétnicas

  • Maria Cristina Bari Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Keywords: Essentialism, Ethnic group, Ethnic identity, Ethnicity, Interethnic relations


We are interested in an approach to the “ethnic question” that, from a historical and anthropologic perspective, allowed to visualize state policies which regulate both relations of production as the imaginaries built upon original populations in order to produce an hegemonic model of nation.We will attempt an analysis that derives form antropologic production those definitions de-substansiating the content and reach of this subject.With this purpose we follow a course funded in diverse focuses on concepts as thnic group, ethnic identity and ethniticity. Remarking, on one side, the dynamic character of these phenomena conceived as a result of a complex interactionn of inter-ethnic relationships, and on the other, stating the contrast of these theoretic approaches with the empiric field, with the aim to resign enunciations or patterns of universality as a necessary condition for the understanding of these social phenomena.


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Author Biography

Maria Cristina Bari, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Docente e investigadora de la Escuela de Historia de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
How to Cite
Bari, M. C. (1). La cuestión étnica: Aproximación a los conceptos de grupo étnico, identidad étnica, etnicidad y relaciones interétnicas. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (16).
Dossier - Artículos Originales