Subjetividades indígenas impuestas y desafiantes en el discurso televisivo

  • Ana Ramos UBA
Keywords: mapuches, nation-state, hegemony, counter-hegemony, aboriginality


“Arauco´s rebellion” and “Other justice, other culture” are press investigation reports. Both narratives —from television discourse— construct an “indigenous other” like premises of a broader argument. The first one belongs to a Chilean programme in which the indigenous actions are shown like examples of violence against “the system”. The second one is from an Argentine news programme in which the construction of an intra and inter-ethnic conflict illustrates the inoperation of the State. The intention of this article is to analyse the symbolic strategies used by the enunciative instances of television programmes, and those that emerge from the cited events; and through the selected examples to show the way in which these strategies may be used in the television discourse to confirm or challenge stereotypes that surround the simultaneous construction of the indigenous being and the national being.


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Author Biography

Ana Ramos, UBA
Lic. en Cs. Antroplógicas UBA - Instituto de Etnolingüística, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA
How to Cite
Ramos, A. (1). Subjetividades indígenas impuestas y desafiantes en el discurso televisivo. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (16).
Dossier - Artículos Originales