Memoria Social e imagen

  • Carmen Guarini CONICET. UBA
Keywords: social memory, image, social aesthetic, social protest


Until the invention of the writing the orality was the privileged support of the social memory. The arrival of the writing allowed to register the prints of this collective memory more sistematically. The picture and the film with posteriority, they facilitated to also feed this social memory with audiovisual elements. This social memory that is certainly historical, goes being also conformed for aesthetic social diverse. We come analyzing for certain time of what way a local particular expression of the social protest (the “escrache”) it goes generating and modifying a particular political aesthetics, that begins to work as paradigm in the language and the action, and it puts at the same time in linking expressions of the day-to-dayness, institutions and concepts.


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Author Biography

Carmen Guarini, CONICET. UBA
Docente UBA. Investigadora CONICET. Programa de Antropología Visual - UBA.
How to Cite
Guarini, C. (1). Memoria Social e imagen. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (15).