El lugar de lo violencia en la investigación penal

  • Josefina Martínez Facultad de filosofía y Letras. UBA
Keywords: criminal justice, police, institutional violence, truth, judicial evidence


Police and judicial investigations in Buenos Aires are strongly related with Violent procedures. This application of institutional violence may be analyzed as a key to understanding the logic used in the investigation of judicial evidence and penal truth. This logic involves a strong and unique idea of the events that replaces the many possible hypothesis of what happened. The evidence is used only to prove the preconceived idea. The system declares that the judicial procedure is the only way of seeking the truth based on evidence predetermined by law. It also claims that the legality of its actions is controlled by judges, even though the reality proves that the investigation is done by the police, using a series of violent practices.


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Author Biography

Josefina Martínez, Facultad de filosofía y Letras. UBA
Becaria de Perfeccionamiento UBACyT 1999-200l. Docente del Departamento de Ciencias Antropológicas, Facultad de filosofía y Letras. UBA. Integrante del Proyecto UBACyT "Antropología Política de la Violencia Institucional Punitiva”, dirigido por Sofía Tiscornia
How to Cite
Martínez, J. (1). El lugar de lo violencia en la investigación penal. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (14). https://doi.org/10.34096/cas.i14.4652