Entra y salir de la legalidad. Identidades popular-juveniles entre la exclusión y el delito

  • Sergio E Tonkonoff CONICET. UBA
Keywords: Young people, Slum, Strategies, Micro-crime, Exclusion


This paper tries to account for an special processes of urban poor youth identity compose. This processes of compose are related with micro-crime social practices. The way that have been chosen to accomplish this proposal is to identify and describe the daily social practices of young actors, who live in a typical poor neighborhood of Buenos Aires. This social practices would be understood as “juvenile strategies of reproduction", in order to develop some considerations of “young condition” in such social context. With these strategies of reproduction, young people are looking for satisfy its material and symbolic needs. In this context the micro — crime practices become an important issue. Practices whose principal characteristic is to be discontinued. I would like to argue that such strategies are situated in a breach produced by the hegemonic representations of youth and the material possibilities that this poor young actors really have.


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How to Cite
Tonkonoff, S. E. (1). Entra y salir de la legalidad. Identidades popular-juveniles entre la exclusión y el delito. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (14). https://doi.org/10.34096/cas.i14.4654