El multiculturalismo: de cómo la desigualdad se convierte en diferencia cultural

  • Noemí Fraguas UBA
  • Patricia Monsalve UBA
Keywords: Identity, recognition, multiculturalism, redistribution, inequality


Behind the fight for the recognition of an specific identity there are neglected economic and political reasons. Different ethnical background, racial differences, gender or alternative sexual orientations, are causes embraced by action groups, even violent ones, but, in which remain out of discussion the unequal distribution of economic resources. In this context, multiculturalism is a new neoliberal rhetoric which propose formal respect to the cultural minorities, leaving untouched social, political and economical inequalities of those minorities.


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Author Biographies

Noemí Fraguas, UBA
Docentes e investigadoras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires-CEA
Patricia Monsalve, UBA
Docentes e investigadoras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires-CEA
How to Cite
Fraguas, N., & Monsalve, P. (1). El multiculturalismo: de cómo la desigualdad se convierte en diferencia cultural. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (14). https://doi.org/10.34096/cas.i14.4659