Entre la Promotora y el partido: un intento de innovación en el modo de hacer campañas electorales

  • Ana Rosato CONICET. UBA
  • Julieta Gaztañaga UBA
Keywords: Political practices, electoral campaigns, peronism, social anthropology, ethnography


Today's political stage reveals itself as complex and heterogeneous, and we seem to be the witnesses of transformations in the ways of making, perceiving and understanding politics. This context informs an interesting experience developed by the local Partido jurticialista of a small town from Argentina. When the 1990's general elections campaign started, the local party’s authorities and Candidates decided that they should place their headquarters in a building deprived from any sign of party affiliation, the Promotora (a noun for a person or institution advancing some program), and create "technical teams" —assembling the party's militantes (activists) and people not belonging to the party- that would write the electoral proposal. These innovations aimed to attract the independent electors. We intend to develop an ethnography of this experience, in order to measure its impact on both the “traditional way for making politics” and the people who make it: the militantes.


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Author Biographies

Ana Rosato, CONICET. UBA
Profesora regular UBA. Investigadora del CONICET
Julieta Gaztañaga, UBA
Estudiante UBA
How to Cite
Rosato, A., & Gaztañaga, J. (1). Entre la Promotora y el partido: un intento de innovación en el modo de hacer campañas electorales. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (14). https://doi.org/10.34096/cas.i14.4660