Acción colectivo campesino y clientelismo. Una experiencia reciente en el nordeste argentino

  • Sergio Omar Sapkus UBA
Keywords: peasantry, collective action, clientelism, ideology, identity of opposition


The article offers an analysis of a current process of peasant struggle in the province of Formosa, led by the members of nowadays named Formosas Movimiento Campesino. In the presence of different manifestations of protest carried out by agrarian peasant agents in the provincial scope in the last decade, we explore the socio-structural conditions that propped out these actions and, on the other hand, the subjective dimensions that collaborated decisively in the configuration of the social movement considered, especially the influence of ideological interpellations of “external agents” in the production of a collective identity of opposition to the hegemonic groups in the provincial field of forces. In this respect, some implications are discussed brief for the studies on the political clientelism in our country.


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Author Biography

Sergio Omar Sapkus, UBA
Licenciado en Ciencias Antropológicas (UBA). Maestrando PPAS-UNaM
How to Cite
Sapkus, S. O. (1). Acción colectivo campesino y clientelismo. Una experiencia reciente en el nordeste argentino. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (14).