Reflexiones sobre las relaciones entre cultura, aprendizaje y escolaridad adolescente. La relevancia de las ciencias sociales en la educación.

  • Douglas Cairns Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA


This work pretends to explore the possibilities of the use of the concept of culture in the processes and relations of learning and teaching. We distinguish, to teach and learn, elements that traditionally have been recognized as contents; methodological elements which, in the last decades have become the centre of reforming proposals, and last, we try to define a third element, that we believe doesn’t receive enough attention at school. This third element is related to everyday life, with reality, in a very general way. We propose to reinforce the interest for the intellectual exploration of life, for the looking for explanations to the meaning of reality, referred to society and culture. As we take this to be missing from school, we propose the concept of culture as a tool which may allow the research. We present basic concpetualisations of culture, that show its more descriptive dimension, and introduce the cognitive interpretation, that pretendes to be more explicative. Finally we refer to the characteristics of schemas and cultural models, which, explored, researched, known, will allow us to approach to what is our culture, our society, our “reality-life”.


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Author Biography

Douglas Cairns, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA
Licenciatura en Ciencias Antropológicas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA.
How to Cite
Cairns, D. (1). Reflexiones sobre las relaciones entre cultura, aprendizaje y escolaridad adolescente. La relevancia de las ciencias sociales en la educación. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (12).
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