Gestión cultural y estudios de público en el Museo Hernández de la ciudad de Buenos Aires

  • Mirta Bialogorski Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Ana María Cousillas Universidad de Buenos Aires


In this paper, we introduce the present state of a systematic study of visitors to the José Hernandez Museum. Our main goal is to show some of the possible interpretations of the cultural patrimony of its exhibits. One of the working hypothesis is that visitors elaborate the meaning of what they perceive of the museum proposal according to their own cultural habits and life experiences. We are interested in analyzing the role of socially and historically constructed stereotypical notions of "tradition" and "gaucho" that appear in different social discourses. This is in connection with the hypothesis that the information provided by signs and information displays has a minor interpretive value in relation to the visitors previous notions. The museum institution is thus challenged to design new complementary strategies in order to allow the interpretation of its patrimony in agreement with the concepts taken into consideration by cultural policies at present.


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Author Biographies

Mirta Bialogorski, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Licenciada en Ciencias Antropológicas. Docente de la Universidad de Buenos Aires
Ana María Cousillas, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Licenciada en Ciencia Antropológicas. Docente de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Directora del Museo Motivos Argentinos José Hernández, Gobierno Autónomo de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
How to Cite
Bialogorski, M., & Cousillas, A. M. (1). Gestión cultural y estudios de público en el Museo Hernández de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (12).
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