Políticas públicas y Cambio Rural

  • Claudia Fabiana Guebel UBA


I pretend to analyze in this article, a public policy which is developing in the rural space around all Argentine. This policy proposes to change the socioeconomical life of the rural farmers, organizing them in associations. I pretend to know how the “Programa Cambio Rural” is developed in a local place of Buenos Aires State, and how the farmers get involved, accept, resignify and change it.


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Author Biography

Claudia Fabiana Guebel, UBA
Master en Antropología Social, Museo Nacional, PPGAS, UFRJ, Brasil. Lic. en Cs. Antropológicas, FFyL, UBA. Prof. Adjunta Regular. FFyL, UBA.
How to Cite
Guebel, C. F. (1). Políticas públicas y Cambio Rural. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (12). https://doi.org/10.34096/cas.i12.4700
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