Youth cultural infrastructure in the production of the commodity-city.

City of Buenos Aires (2014-2017)

  • Maria Rosa Privitera Sixto UBA
Keywords: urban culture, skateboarding, youth, commodity-city, cultural policies


  Since 2009, the Buenos Aires City Government (GCBA) has been incorporating equipment of different dimensions to develop skateboarding and producing shows that combine “sport and urban culture”. Its ultimate objective is to position the city as capital of extreme sports, nationally and regionally, among young people. Seeking to transcend a merely symbolic vision of culture, this article addresses the relationships between “youth” and “urban” cultures, the market, and the cultural policies that the GCBA declares to propose. For this, I use a qualitative methodology based on the analysis of primary sources produced within the framework of my doctoral research, and of sources produced by GCBA agencies and media agencies, in triangulation with specialized scholarly literature. 


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How to Cite
Privitera Sixto, M. R. (2021). Youth cultural infrastructure in the production of the commodity-city . Cuadernos De antropología Social, (54).
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