Filmic Representations of Science. César Milstein and Un fueguito

  • Zulema Marzorati Universidad de Bunos Aires.
Keywords: César Milstein, Documentary Un fueguito, Malbrán Institute, Molecular Biology, Monoclonal Antibodies


Science is one of the nodal forces behind the advancement and growth of a country. Given its importance, the aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the socio-political context and the development of scientific activity through the images of Un fueguito. The story of César Milstein (Argentina, 2009) directed by Ana Fraile. The film constructs the image of a scientist who worked in state institutions, without relating to private laboratories and who always supported the universal appropriation of knowledge remaining within the Mertonian ethos. When considering what Milstein meant as a loss for the country in the past, the film participates indirectly in the discourse of Cristina Kirchner´s government policy that has encouraged the return of scientists and supported continuity in science and research.


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Author Biography

Zulema Marzorati, Universidad de Bunos Aires.
Doctora en Ciencias Sociales. Profesora Adjunta Regular de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
How to Cite
Marzorati, Z. (2016). Filmic Representations of Science. César Milstein and Un fueguito. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (43), 115-128.
Dossier - Artículos Originales