Sobre política y apariencia en la teoría de J. Rancière
Among the speeches about the end of history, ideologies or art that the end of the twentieth century brought, also a statement that went through very different theoretical perspectives was formulated: the death of representation, appearances. That diagnosis had, as spokespersons, two groups of authors: pessimists of social aestheticization and optimists of consensual democracy and the crowd. J. Rancière formulated a critique that affects both positions; it is not true that the appearance is dead. The world is presented to us as a teathrum politicum in which the parts of the common have been distributed, configurating what Rancière calls a “police order”; in which always exists a part (that contributes to the existence of the common) that is invisible: has no part. The author of Disagreement (1995) calls “politics” at the moment in which this part appears and produces a “scene of dissent”. The rescue of the concept of appearance make less rigid the classical contrast terms of politics-police. However it puts on the surface a new problem: it equates aesthetics and politics.Downloads
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