Apuntes sobre la noción de espectralidad en la filosofía derrideana

  • Gabriela Balcarce
Keywords: specter, deconstruction, aporetic


This article tries to explain some of the uses of the notion of specter in the Derridean philosophy. Destabilization of the threshold between life and death, critical to the metaphysics of presence and the treatment humanist of otherness in the thought of Lévinas anchored in the figure of the face, as well as also a deconstruction of some inheritance of the spirit and with it, a conception of history and the idealistic politics. Finally, the figure of the specter would allow no dialectic articulation of Derridean’s aporetics raised in recent years. 


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How to Cite
Balcarce, G. (1). Apuntes sobre la noción de espectralidad en la filosofía derrideana. Cuadernos De filosofía, (67-68), 145-155. https://doi.org/10.34096/cf.n67-68.5463