<i>Tonk</i> and the model-theoretic conception of meaning

  • Natalia Mariana Buacar
Keywords: logical inferentialism, tonk, logical constants, model-theoretic, semantics


In this paper I recall de discussion around tonk and summarize the answers that have been offered to it. I critically discuss the idea that tonk is a problem exclusive for an inferentilst approach to the meaning of logical constants and explore what would tonk look like for a truth-conditional approach. 


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How to Cite
Buacar, N. M. (2018). <i>Tonk</i&gt; and the model-theoretic conception of meaning. Cuadernos De filosofía, (70), 5-18. https://doi.org/10.34096/cf.n70.6498
Discusión sobre Constantes lógicas (Eduardo Barrio, ed.)