La interpretación plotiniana del carácter artificialista de la generación demiúrgica en el <i>Timeo</i>

  • Malena Tonelli


In the present work I will analyze the first chapter of Enneads III 9 (13) and the three first chapters of III 2 (47) in which Plotinus refers to Plato’s Timaeus –implicitly or explicitly– in order to identify his second Hypostasis with the Demiurge. The study deals not only with the contact points that can be established between the two notions but fundamentally it aims to specify those contrasts that traditionally are thought to be present in both figures. I will try to demonstrate that those differences do not necessary imply Plotinus is distancing from Plato, but that they express the plotinian philosophical practice and his exegetic method.


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Author Biography

Malena Tonelli
Doctora en Filosofía (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Becaria Posdoctoral (CONICET). Docente de Historia de la Filosofía Antigua (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, y Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata).
How to Cite
Tonelli, M. (1). La interpretación plotiniana del carácter artificialista de la generación demiúrgica en el <i>Timeo</i&gt;. Cuadernos De filosofía, (60), 95-108.