¿Más allá o más acá del arte? Sobre la noción de <i>mímesis</i> en Aristóteles, una vez más

  • Mariana Castillo Merlo


The notion of mimesis is central to the Poetic. Despite the few explanations that Aristotle performs on their semantic scope, mimesis is capital to understand his conception of art. A new publication by Viviana Suñol, adds to the contributions and research which, in recent years, trying to show that, beyond or nearer the art, mimesis has found new framework to confirm their currently. The aim of this note is to examine the multiple relationships that can be draw between the guiding principle of the Poetic and the rest of the corpus.


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Author Biography

Mariana Castillo Merlo
Doctora en Filosofía (Universidad Nacional de La Plata). Becaria posdoctoral CONICET. Docente de las cátedras Historia de la Psicología (FACE-UNCO) y Literatura Griega Antigua (FAHU-UNCO).
How to Cite
Castillo Merlo, M. (1). ¿Más allá o más acá del arte? Sobre la noción de <i>mímesis</i&gt; en Aristóteles, una vez más. Cuadernos De filosofía, (60), 109-115. https://doi.org/10.34096/cf.n60.958
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