Antonio Martínez Luján de Vargas, judge of Charcas, and the new situation in late seventeenth century in Tucuman. About land rights of indian villages

  • Isabel Castro Olañeta
Keywords: Gobernación de Tucumán, late seventeenth century, Judge Antonio Martínez Luján de Vargas, land rights and Indian villages


The current study presents a reconstruction of the situation of late seventeenth century in the Gobernación del Tucumán (Governorate of Tucumán), framed by the Visita General (General Inspection) of judge of Charcas, Antonio Martínez Luján de Vargas, and the enforcement of his sentences. New biographical data about the inspector is presented, while the Inspection itself is considered an intervention whose main objective was to compensate the Indians for the damages brought by personal service and the legal land demarcation over their villages. Finally, the problem regarding the formation and consolidation of land rights in Indian villages is examined, retrieving information from an unpublished document dealing with the enforcement of sentences based in the Inspection, in Córdoba jurisdiction.


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How to Cite
Castro Olañeta, I. (2015). Antonio Martínez Luján de Vargas, judge of Charcas, and the new situation in late seventeenth century in Tucuman. About land rights of indian villages. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 23(1), 39-67. Retrieved from
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