Transformations and forms of legitimacy within colonial caciques authority. Province of Jujuy, 17th century

  • Gabriela Sica
Keywords: caciques, authority, forms of legitimacy


This paper att empts to analyze some changes within the ethnic leaders’ authority in the jurisdiction of San Salvador de Jujuy city (Gobernación del Tucumán) during the seventeenth century. Some of these changeswere influenced by the granting of encomiendas and the creation of Indians towns and new institutions such as Indian cabildos. These circumstances limited the power of ancient authorities, however during the seventeenth century new offices, such as the cacique de Gobernador, and new forms of legitimacy emerged in order to counterbalance the above-mentioned changes.


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How to Cite
Sica , G. (2009). Transformations and forms of legitimacy within colonial caciques authority. Province of Jujuy, 17th century. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 17(1), 37-63. Retrieved from