The Chaco border and its fortines (1826-1884). A study of historical anthropology focused on the organization theory

  • Julio César Spota
Keywords: Chaco, 19th century, frontier, fortines, organization


This paper´s objective is to study the fortines rol in the reinforcement project of the argentine national state in the Chaco region (1862-1884), all this, from the historical anthropology point of view. We will specificallytry to analize the results of the establishment of military frontier settlements, as a retaining method for indigenous raids or “malones”. Through the analisys of written sources and the study of recent scientificinvestigations, we try to explain the constant increasing cost of the fortlets lines, and also explain the study of the military frontier settlements from an organizational perspective.


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How to Cite
Spota, J. C. (2009). The Chaco border and its fortines (1826-1884). A study of historical anthropology focused on the organization theory. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 17(1), 89-121. Retrieved from