Material forms of resistance in the lands of Malfín: in their huaycos and quebradas

  • Laura Quiroga
Keywords: colonial representations, huayco, resistance


Colonial representations of geographic spaces drawn either on books or texts point out a dispute camp over spaces, resources, and social networks. Thus the higher mountain ravines around Londres -Gobernación del Tucumán- became from an indigenous perspective, a refuge and a resistance space to challenge colonial domain. These strategies were not driven by the threat of war but predictable and planned resources attached to the Indian’s subsistence and reproductive tactics, carried out from the late prehispanic period to the colonial context of transformation and war. Turning the term huayco into a research problem implies to transform a geographic category, a feature of a mountainous landscape, in a concept suitable to describe and interpret a social practice that builds resistance as a condition of social reproduction.


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How to Cite
Quiroga , L. (2010). Material forms of resistance in the lands of Malfín: in their huaycos and quebradas. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 18(2), 185-209. Retrieved from
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