Territoriality and social reproduction. The Tinogasta in Belén, Catamarca, during the 18th Century

  • Federico Ignacio Vázquez
Keywords: territory, social reproduction, colonial Tucumán


This paper analyzes the practices of territorialization deployed by the Tinogasta in Belen through the 18th century. It will analyze how, through colonial legal mechanisms, the Tinogasta looked for “re-territorialize”their space in order to rebuild their conditions of social reproduction. We intend to observe how some Indian populations implemented multiple resistance, negotiation and/or alliance strategies against diverse domination practices in order to reinterpret -and operate on- the colonial reality. Then, far from being mere passive spectators of their dominance they became agents of their own social reproduction in an asymmetrical context. in an asymmetrical context.


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How to Cite
Vázquez , F. I. (2011). Territoriality and social reproduction. The Tinogasta in Belén, Catamarca, during the 18th Century. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 19(1), 69-92. https://doi.org/10.34096/mace.v19i1.12266