Cultural survival in the Andes: a comparative study of ethnogenesis in indigenous groups of the northern and southern Andes

  • Karen Powers Vieira Department of History, Northern Arizona University
Keywords: cultural survival, Northern and Southern Andes, ethnogenesis, 16th and 17th centuries


This is a wide scope analysis of social reproduction among norandean and surandean indigenous peoples, between 1500 and 1700. Although focused on the Audiencia de Quito, the article looks for cultural and ethnic survival in comparison with the southern groups. The purpose is fulfilled by first defining the theorical references belonged to recent anthropological literature. Cultural survival and ethnogenesis are the keys to approach indigenous peoples. 


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How to Cite
Powers Vieira , K. (1996). Cultural survival in the Andes: a comparative study of ethnogenesis in indigenous groups of the northern and southern Andes. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 4, 81-90.