The system of 'Indian towns' authorities and its transformations at the end of the colonial period. The Cuenca district

  • Silvia Palomeque Universidad Nacional de Córdoba/ CONICET
Keywords: ethnic authorities, indian towns, Cuenca-Ecuador, colonial period


This article deals with the authority system -ethnic and Spanish- that the indian population of the Cuenca district (Ecuador) were under through the colonial period. The study enables one to see that on a structural level continuities prevailed from Toledo's times until 1778 when borbonic reforms were introduced. In the late XVIII century this authority system, reorganized in accord with new conditions and state needs, collapsed with the appearance of the Cortes in 1812. 


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How to Cite
Palomeque, S. (1998). The system of ’Indian towns’ authorities and its transformations at the end of the colonial period. The Cuenca district. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 6, 9-47.