The conquerors and colonizers of Tucumán through the evidence of merits and services of the 16th century

  • Lía Renata Quarleri Sección Etnohistoria, ICA. FFyL, UBA
Keywords: conquistadors, settlers, probanzas de méritos y servicios, Tucumán


A reflection upon the values and ideals of sixteenth centuty Spanish conquistadorsis made analysing specific archival documents -Probanzas de méritos y servicios- of Colonial Tucumán. The question of why they settled in a territory considered so poor in regards to their expectations, leads to a confrontation of their ideals with the structure of options offerd by the "provinces of Tucumán". Taking into account the requests presented in these documents, it is clear that they were asking the king for resources in order to guarantee a new life for themselves in the colonies. Being first conquistadors and inhabitants -"primeros pobladores y conquistadores"- brought privileges (receiving royal mercies, right to neighborhood, and granting of nobel titles) that played a key role in the definite settlement of the region 


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How to Cite
Quarleri, L. R. (1998). The conquerors and colonizers of Tucumán through the evidence of merits and services of the 16th century. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 6, 91-117.