Domination and cultural distance: Incas and Spaniards in 16th century Cusco

  • Gonzalo Lamana PROHAL, Instituto E. Ravignani. FFyL, UBA
Keywords: cultural distance, Cusco, 16th century, Incas and Spaniards


The article reassesses the sociocultural dimension of the Conquest through a particular case analysis. For this purpose, a theoretical perspective considering cultural distance as part of the domination process is chosen. The emphasis is placed on early colonial society as being intercultural and in constant development, leaving aside the notion of "cultural shock" owing to the concept of destructuration. The paper attempts to rediscover the ways this distance was handled, in a place without common rules, between groups that show a predominant tendency to perceive the other through their own dynamics of conflict. Within this general sociocultural frame, special attention is given to Inca elite`s responses, undestanding the Spaniards as part of their context. 


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How to Cite
Lamana , G. (1998). Domination and cultural distance: Incas and Spaniards in 16th century Cusco. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 6, 119-141.