Military and religious conquerors and colonizers of colonial Tucumán. Theoretical and methodological considerations

  • Lía Quarleri Sección Etnohistoria, ICA - FFyL, UBA
Keywords: conquerors and colonizers, military and religious men, colonial Tucumán, anthropological view


In this paper, we describe the perspectives used to focused on the process of conquest and colonization in their military and spiritual aspects, durind the XX century, regarding the colonial world in general and particularly in colonial Tucumán. We stress the different types of readings around the same object of study, the Spanish conquistador, the colonial elite and the Jesuits. Specifically, we try to show, how our anthropological background guided us over archival documents, helping us select certain themes and variable of analysis instead of others. Also, microhistory methodology allowed us to recover aspects not seen by a lineal reading of the sources.  


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How to Cite
Quarleri, L. (2000). Military and religious conquerors and colonizers of colonial Tucumán. Theoretical and methodological considerations. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 9, 175-195. Retrieved from