Jesuits, women and power: the case of the missions on the Chaco borders (18th century)

  • Beatriz Vitar Centro de Estudios Históricos- Fundación Carolina
Keywords: Chaco, missons, gender, indigenous women, Jesuits, power relations


This article studies the impact caused by the Jesuit conversion among different female indigenous groups of the Chaco region, reduced in their borderlands during the 18th century, while a new patriarchal order was imposed. Through the practices and representations of the missionaries of the Compañía de Jesús, I analyse the social cosntruction of gender difference, since the power and general functions the chaqueñas had (politically, economically and ritually speaking) before evangelization, was reduced to a subordinate historic role. 


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How to Cite
Vitar , B. (2005). Jesuits, women and power: the case of the missions on the Chaco borders (18th century). Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 12, 39-70.
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