War in the Mojos missons: an analysis of the luso-spanish conflict for the possession of an old Jesuit mission, Santa Rosa de Mojos, in the Guaporé river (1760-1764)

  • Ione Aparecida Martins Castilho Pereira
Keywords: Santa Rosa de Mojos jesuit mission, war, Mato Grosso Captaincy, Guaporé River


The purpose of this article is to analyze the motives that led the Spaniards from the Jesuit missions of Mojos to declare war over the Portuguese of the Captaincy of Mato Grosso. The remoteness caused by the demarcation of limits of 1750 would generate, on the banks of the river Guaporé, a war over the possession of this Jesuit mission in 1763. Moreover the same strategy used by the Spaniards to prevent the Portuguese from received aid, served equally, for the Portuguese counter attack. Due to this fact the Portuguese were able, although they were in smaller number, to maintain the possessions conquered in the Guaporé river.


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How to Cite
Martins Castilho Pereira, I. A. (1). War in the Mojos missons: an analysis of the luso-spanish conflict for the possession of an old Jesuit mission, Santa Rosa de Mojos, in the Guaporé river (1760-1764). Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 25(2), 95-112. https://doi.org/10.34096/mace.v25i2.4031
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