New villages and old manors. Land disputes in the valley of Guandacol, La Rioja late 18th century

  • Roxana Boixadós
  • María Victoria Staricco
Keywords: foundation of villages, land conflicts, Guandacol, La Rioja, 18th Century


This article analyzes the conflictive context in which the foundation of Guandacol Villa was developed, located west of La Rioja jurisdiction from 1783. A group of families promoted the above mentioned foundation to get rid of their status as tenants of the Mayorazgo de Sañogasta defying the lordly power. The impulse given by the Bourbon Reforms to the creation of new villas acted as a frame, so the colonial authorities supported each party alternatively in order to benefit the crown interests focused in the mining activity.


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How to Cite
Boixadós, R., & Staricco, M. V. (1). New villages and old manors. Land disputes in the valley of Guandacol, La Rioja late 18th century. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 25(2), 148-167.
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