Letters from the indigenous peoples to Brazil: the construction of a digital archive 2000-2015

  • Suzane Lima Costa
Keywords: letters, indigenous peoples, Brazil, digital archive


This article presents the theoretical and methodological paths chosen for the creation of a digital archive containing letters produced by indigenous people in the last fifteen years and addressed to Brazil. Even today those letters circulate in social networks and in domestic and international websites. Besides discussing the selection of the correspondence, the construction of the addressee -Brazil- will also be analyzed. In order to do so, I will consider the ways those letters can be read: as political manifestos and/ or biographical writings, matters that allow an understanding of the collective uses of this kind of text among the indigenous. The assembly of this archive is intended to produce an esthetic-political panel of the (auto) biographical space that has been composed by the indigenous peoples. Finally, I will explain how this endeavor has been conducted keeping in mind the characterization of the authorial emergency of the historical indigenous subject in the political/literary education of Brazil.


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How to Cite
Lima Costa, S. (2018). Letters from the indigenous peoples to Brazil: the construction of a digital archive 2000-2015. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 26(1), 94-104. https://doi.org/10.34096/mace.v26i1.6205
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