The continuation of war by other means. Pulares and Calchaquies in 17th century silver mines. Nevado de Acay, Salta, Argentina

  • Pablo Mignone


This paper analyzes the mining activities at the Nevado de Acay (Salta, Argentina) between 1655 and 1658. The study is of interest because it shows the employment of the mining mita, activity explicitly forbidden at the time. We also analyze the elevation of the Acay to mining district and its owner to the position of Mayor of Mines. The origin of the mitayos is of interest because they came from encomiendas of the valleys of Calchaquí and Lerma. The rebellious outbreak that destroyed the mining facilities in 1658 came from one of these towns of reduction as well, showing that the Calchaquí/Pular dichotomization corresponded to the political situation created by the Spanish domination. For the future, we propose an interdisciplinary approach -between archeology and history- in order to understand the social processes undergone by these groups, with two fundamental milestones such as the Inca and the Spanish conquests.


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How to Cite
Mignone, P. (2019). The continuation of war by other means. Pulares and Calchaquies in 17th century silver mines. Nevado de Acay, Salta, Argentina. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 27(2).
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